Dementia Friendly Screening in partnership with The White Bus
Sunday 9 March 2025 @ 2:30pm
This well-known and loved classic film hopes to engage and entertain our customers, aimed towards those living with dementia, together with their carers or families. Enjoying films that may feel familiar from earlier stages in life, and that involve music, singing and exciting visuals, are believed to be enriching experiences for those living with dementia.
Join us in our relaxed, family friendly atmosphere at the Palace Theatre in our auditorium. Relaxed screenings and performances are intended to make coming to the theatre more accessible, meaning we do not worry about noise level during the screening, customers are free to move between the auditorium and our foyer spaces, we provide a ‘chill out’ zone and refreshments available for purchasing.
Relaxed screenings and performances are becoming more commonly known amongst organisations and individuals committed to providing greater accessibility to the arts for those who benefit from a more relaxed viewing experience. This can include those with learning and sensory disabilities, children, and young people together with their families, those living with dementia, and adults with SEN or additional needs.
About the film:
It stars Gene Wilder as chocolatier Willy Wonka. The film tells the story of a poor child named Charlie Bucket (Peter Ostrum) who, upon finding a Golden Ticket in a chocolate bar, wins the chance to visit Willy Wonka's chocolate factory along with four other children from around the world.
Certificate: U
Tickets cost £9 per person.
Venue opens 90 minutes before the screening commences.